Exceptional writing relies deeply on revision and it imparts knowledge.

In my own work, I research deeply the subjects about which I write. Then, I spend ample time revising that work in order to perfect it as best I can. Sometimes that means 20-30 revisions or more. Writing is more than just the initial urge to express self; it is an exercise in patience and diligence.

If you want to learn how to be a better editor and improve your own work, here are some tips to help you find your way.

Get Tips: Writing & Publishing

Learn how to write well-crafted sentences, paragraphs and pages. Dr. Brooke can also teach you about how to layout and design your book, how to find a publisher, how to find grants/residencies, and how to negotiate the process.


The Skáld and the Drukkin Tröllaukin

The Skáld and the Drukkin Tröllaukin: Photographs and Poems of Iceland features images and Norse poems from the region. It utilizes these form poems to create a narrative that drives the book. Brooke integrates photographs that he captured of the landscape and wildlife to accentuate the poems.

Jaguars of the Northern Pantanal

Jaguars of the Northern Pantanal: Panthera Onca at the Meeting of the Waters details the lives and behaviors of this subpopulation of jaguars through one-of-a-kind photographs from 26 international photographers, as well as illustrations, maps, waypoints, scientific insights, field journal excerpts and personal narratives. The book seeks to understand how locals can coexist with these cats while benefiting financially through ecotourism. Users will find this book to be a conceptual model to apply to other subpopulations in order to save jaguars throughout North and South America.

Sirens and Seriemas

With Sirens and Seriemas, Paul Brooke explores the wild places of Brazil through photographs and poetry. A former biologist and naturalist, Brooke travelled the Amazon and Pantanal regions of Brazil studying culture, history and natural history. The poems address pressing environmental issues such as deforestation, extinction, overhunting, overpopulation, urbanization and wildness. The photographs chronicle the amazing beauty and danger, the culture of Amazonian peoples and amazing landscapes.

Arm Wrestling at the Iowa State Fair

This book features nearly 400 words that are falling out of favor in the English language. They are repurposed to create exciting new poems from a cacophony of voices from all over the world.

Published Works